Friday, July 17, 2009

July 18-too hot? J.G. Ballard

It's the heat that's making me think of JG Ballard. He was brilliant. His book, The Drowned World is pretty disturbing...I read the first chapters and just found it so dismal but at the same time he describes perfectly that dragging around stupid feeling that comes with the heat....oh yah, torpor. That said, I will post this tonight in the cool.

There was an ad on craigslist soliciting artists... I have a dim view of ads written by the marketing guys AND requests for "ideas" or speculative work... But! I was working on my polar bear fold-out, believe in educational and environmental messages and materials so I went ahead and sent in the image to the left. There was NO response, not even an electronic form mail.

Would you wear this?
(If you see someone who is, let me know.) More polar bear images coming. I have two or three full papercuts of pbears ambling along the ice. Think cool thoughts and get busy.

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