Year of the Horse.
last night, I was watching a local tv program that highlights the arts. It's on KVIE and airs Saturday night, 7PM. Has a ton of really good stuff and is hosted by the same guy, Rob on the Road. Here's the link
One of the segments in the program features Olympia Dukakis, reprising her role in a theater production of Mother Courage. During the the end of the interview she quotes a poet. (forgive me but what I heard was Locker, Lokker, Lacher???! so in search of this lovely passage, replaying the clip and googling it word for word, found it! The Spanish poet, Frederico Garcia Lorca, wrote:
poem, the song, the picture are drawn from the well of the people(s) and should
be given back to them in a cup of beauty so that they shall know themselves.
This seems a good underpinning. My uncle said that there are a couple ways to take a walk. Some people walk the same way every day observing and interested in what has changed on that walk. Some people take a different route to see new things than they had the day before. Often for me, it's good to have a purpose, an endpoint or a circuit then I relax along the way. Working is often like that.
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